Red-banded Hairstreak
Banded Hairstreak
This lonely hairstreak found a sunny spot adjacent to the Upper Meadow.
American Lady
A newly emerged American Lady. Taken May 25, 2010.
Aphrodite Fritillary
Nectaring on Butterfly Weed (Asclepias tuberosa). Taken June 26, 2014.
Mourning Cloak
Feeding on sap of wounded oak tree. Taken June 13, 2010.
American Copper and Eastern Tailed-blue
An American Copper and two Eastern Tailed-blues share a butterfly weed nectar lunch with ants. Taken July 9, 2011.
Eastern Comma
This Eastern Comma has recently crawled out from behind its hibernation hiding spot, where it spent a cold Ohio winter. Taken April 11, 2010.
Spicebush Swallowtail
Nectaring on butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa). Taken June 26, 2014.
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
This swallowtail is a survivor, its wings providing evidence that it has gone a few rounds with the local birds! Taken June 23, 2014.
Great Spangled Fritillary
Common Buckeye
Common Wood Nymph
Pearl Crescent
Hobomok Skipper female (left) and male (right)
Red-spotted Purple
Little Wood Satyr
Red Admiral
Orange Sulphur
Dreamy Duskywing
Gray Hairstreak